f--- medicine
from today's exam, a surprise question on SIADH--syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone. at first glance i did not recognize SIADH, so i turned to my rational, sensible powers of deduction to analyze the syndrome's name. clearly, i thought, SIADH has something to do with abnormal levels of ADH. whether SIADH causes inappropriately high ADH secretion or inappropriately low ADH secretion, however-- well, that's anyone's guess, seeing as "inappropriate" is a SUPREMELY USELESS DESCRIPTION.
as it turns out, SIADH results in excess ADH and hyperconcentrated urine, which in retrospect is mildly suggested by the adjective "inappropriate." but why the medical bigwigs can't just rename it the syndrome of excess anti-diuretic hormone, i haven't a clue. instead, i had to agonize for 5 precious minutes over an ultimately random guess, using approximately zero brain cells in the process. so much for assessing my medical knowledge, my critical thinking skills, my academic aptitude, whatever...
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